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Book presentation „Chokepoint Capitalism“ with author Rebecca Giblin

  • Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.


27. Juni 2023 2023
18:00-20:00 Uhr


Wikimedia Deutschland e. V.

Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
Berlin, 10963
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COMMUNIA and Wikimedia Deutschland invite you to the presentation and discussion of the book “Chokepoint Capitalism” with author Rebecca Giblin.

The labour markets for creatives have been taken over by Big Tech and Big Content. How can we take them back and ensure that creative workers are paid fairly? Rebecca Giblin, professor at Melbourne Law School, and Cory Doctorow, author and journalist, describe in their joint work the new type of capitalism that we find today, especially in the creative industries, which they call “chokepoint capitalism.”

Big tech companies with their platforms have advanced to become market-dominating players. They act as powerful intermediaries between consumers and creators and control the trade in creative goods as if through a bottleneck. Their market power allows them to influence the rules in their favour and to strengthen their stranglehold on creatives in order to skim off an ever larger share of the profits generated. Through their analysis of chokepoint capitalism, Giblin and Doctorow also arrive at insights into how this system can be overcome and develop recommendations for doing so.

Rebecca Giblin will speak about the core arguments of the book, after which we will engage in a moderated panel discussion with her and other guests to exchange their analysis and approaches to solutions.

Rebecca Giblin, ARC Future Fellow at Melbourne Law School, Director of the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia (IPRIA)
Justus Dreyling, Policy Director of COMMUNIA, coordinator of the global Access to Knowledge Coalition
Sandra Trostel, independent filmmaker, creative storyteller and researcher

Zara Rahman, researcher, writer and moderator

Event language:

Barrier information:
The event location is accessible via a lift, access to the office and event room is barrier-free, the event room is carpeted. The location does not have barrier-free toilets.



Wikimedia Deutschland e. V.

Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
Berlin 10963

An event in cooperation with