In 2023, Wikimedia Deutschland continued its commitment to Free Knowledge at numerous conferences, events and panel discussions. Here is a selection.

Steffen Prößdorf, 2023-06-06 Event, Konferenz, re-publica 1DX 5812 by Stepro, CC BY-SA 4.0
Wikimedia Deutschland at re:publica 2023 in Berlin: Wikimedia board member Christian Humborg presented the Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport, Volker Wissing, with our demands for the National Education Platform.

Foeromeo, Wikimedia-at-ICOM-CC-Valencia, CC BY-SA 4.0
Members of the Wikibase team from Wikimedia Deutschland were guests at the ICOM Triennial in Valencia in September to introduce museum representatives to the benefits of the free software and launch new collaborations.

The awards ceremony for the Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth photo competitions took place in Berlin in November. In addition to award winners from the community, well-known guests such as Prof. Dr. Ingrid Scheurmann (pictured) and Prof. Dr. Jörg Haspel for the German Foundation for Monument Protection and Dr. Melanie von Orlow from the NABU regional office were also present.
Free Knowledge was not to be missed at the 37th Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg! Wikimedia Deutschland was there together with volunteers and other digital policy organizations. The focus was on current technological and digital policy developments.
How open and fair are digital learning and education platforms and how can we influence political and technological decisions as part of the open education movement? Heike Gleibs from Wikimedia Deutschland spoke about this at the EduWiki Conference in Belgrade.
At the Wikibase workshop in Nigeria, librarians learned how to use the free software in their institutions. The participants were trained by Wikimedia Deutschland and then passed on their knowledge to colleagues.

Petr Freitag, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
A group from Wikimedia Germany also traveled to Prague for the Wikimedia Europe General Assembly in June. Together with Wikimedia representatives from all over Europe, the next goals for Wikimedia Europe were set.

Lara Mieg, Wikimedia Deutschland, CC BY-SA 4.0
How can digitalization become more oriented towards the common good? This question was discussed at an event at the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Berlin. The discussion was moderated by data expert Aline Blankertz from Wikimedia Deutschland (right). She developed 8 indicators that digital policy should use as a guide for the common good.

Jan-David Franke (WMDE), CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
How can public broadcasters place more content under a free license? This was the subject of a meeting lasting several days with the tagesschau editorial team in January. Volunteers from the Wikimedia project “Wiki Loves Broadcast” and Jan-David Franke from Wikimedia Deutschland were also present.

Auftakttreffen OERinfo, CC0
Sarah-Isabella Behrens from Wikimedia Deutschland is a member of the OERinfo advisory board. The national community portal is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and is committed to strengthening open educational resources and their community. Here is a photo from the 2023 kick-off meeting in Frankfurt.

Lilli Iliev (WMDE), Übergabe Position digitaler Zivilgesellschaft zum Global Digital Compact 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0
Friederike von Franqué from Wikimedia Deutschland (2nd from left) and fellow campaigners from civil society hand over the jointly developed demands for the Global Digital Compact to Irina Soeffky from the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (center) and Regine Grienberger from the Federal Foreign Office (2nd from right).

Ekvidi for Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Also a guest at re:publica: Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus. Here in conversation with Katarina Peranić (Director of the German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering) and Wikimedia board member Christian Humborg on the topic of volunteering strategy.